
This is your life, what do you desire for it? How will you live it?


Integrative Coaching & Counselling - Considers all aspects of who you are, what you’re currently experiencing and how you want to move forward in your life. Together we work with your nervous system, mind, body, breath and soul in unity.

End of Life & Grief Consultation - With a desire to hold life, death and grief sacred; these consultation sessions provide you with a grounded understanding of what it means to be human, love, experience loss and how you can best support yourself and others.

Breathwork - Encompasses various techniques that focus on intentional breathing patterns to support and enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Yoga & Meditation - Space for you to unwind, tap into your inner strength and hold space for new ways of creating greater harmony within. Styles include yin, vinyasa, restorative, trauma informed yoga, mindfulness and yoga nidra.


we’re all just walking each other home.

- ram dass


Integrative coaching & counselling

This is a space for you to learn more about yourself as you …

embrace change, life transitions, loss, grief and personal growth. With care and curiosity we can create an inner environment that holds the potential for compassionate witnessing, courage and transformation. I assist clients in building a deep relationship with themselves, so they can live feeling more aligned and centered in themselves and more connected to the world around them.

We will bring awareness to all parts of you within your experience. I am IFS informed, utilize polyvagal theory, mindfulness based therapy, breathwork and brainspotting within an existential framework. These modalities offer a holistic approach to your health and wellbeing.

We may be a good fit in working together if you are ready to learn to regulate your nervous system, deepen your understanding of and relationship with all parts of yourself, process and integrate the challenges and losses you have experienced and gain clarity around your wishes as you take steps towards creating a meaningful future.


Individual 60 minute session, $145.


end of life & grief Consultation

For those who …

are exploring their own mortality, preparing for end of life or navigating loss of any kind. Whether you’re seeking support for yourself or guidance in working with those you serve these consultation sessions will meet you where you’re at. We will spend time learning about what’s most important to you now, where care and attention can be given, and hold all of your experience with mindful presence. Our sessions will be companioning led with a shared focus in holistic approaches in end of life and grief support. Open to individuals, caregivers and helping professionals.

Investment Options:

Individual 60 minute consultation session, $125.

Connect for private group session pricing.



Is an invitation …

to develop awareness and conscious connection with the breath. The breath is an anchor that is always available for us to return to. Some practices allow us to create ease and restoration within while others are more energizing and aid in processing of emotions and experiences we’ve moved through. We will discuss what style will best suit your and your needs at this time.

Investment Options:

Individual 60 minute session, $125.

Connect for private group session pricing.


yoga & meditation

An opportunity to …

release stress and stored emotions, regulate your nervous system, aid in sleep hygiene and more. Sessions can include various styles of yoga to meet your needs, as well as incorporate mindfulness, imagery and visualization to assist you in creating greater balance within that you can carry into each day. You will be provided with a written sequence you can come back to and practice on your own. Yoga and meditation sessions are offered separately from my social work services.

Investment Options:

Individual 60 minute session, $125.

Connect for private group session pricing.


Occasionally, I create live experiential events to support you on you journey. Click here to see if there are any upcoming events that resonate with you.